Predictable File Removal and Management with Dr Yoshi Terauchi and Dr George Bogen
Sat, 14 Mar
|ADA NSW Centre for Professional Develpm.
Ever broken a file inside a tooth? Learn and practice removing separated endodontic instruments from the pioneer of file retrieval! This is a ONE day lecture and hands on course. Sessions run Saturday 14th March 2020 from 8:30am to 4:00pm and Sunday 15th March 2020 from 8:30am to 4:00pm.

Time & Location
14 Mar 2020, 8:30 am AEDT – 15 Mar 2020, 4:30 pm AEDT
ADA NSW Centre for Professional Develpm., 1 Atchison St, St Leonards NSW 2065, Australia
About the Event
Broken instruments can complicate disinfection and seem impossible to remove, causing stress for the clinicians involved. Although historic literature assumes that endodontic instruments cannot be retrieved and that extraction or apical surgery are indicated, Dr Yoshi Terauchi has researched, published and pioneered his own techniques for predictable, reliable and safe, steps to remove separated instruments.
Learning Objectives:
After attending the day course, the attendees will be able to:
· Recognise factors affecting the likelihood of separating an instrument
· Understand the influence of instrument separation on prognosis
· Discuss with patients the implications of instrument separation
· Assess case difficulty with CBVT imaging and determine the ideal protocol for the removal of the separated instruments.
· Perform file removal in various scenarios
· Obturate teeth after instrument removal
· Understand the strengths and pitfalls of various obturation systems
· Understand the various application of bioceramics in endodontics
Each participant will be supplied an operating microscope and the Terauchi File Removal Kit to remove separated instruments. Training will include practicing on TrueTooth replicas and plastic blocks. Participants will bring three extracted teeth with separated instruments. Experienced participants may choose to bring more extracted teeth with separated instruments.
This is a ONE day lecture and hands on course. Sessions run Saturday 14th March 2020 from 8:30am to 4:30pm and Sunday 15th March 2020 from 8:30am to 4:30pm.
Featured Speakers:
Dr Yoshi Terauchi DDS PhD
Dr Yoshi Terauchi has published multiple articles on file retrieval. Three of which are published in the Journal of Endodontics. He also authored an educational textbook called “How to Endodontics” and has recently authored a chapter of the 11th edition of “Pathways of the Pulp." He lectured on “Application of Cone Beam CT in Endodontics" for American Academy of Endodontists (AAE) in 2012 and performed the AAE workshop for instrument retrieval in 2013, 2018 and 2019.
Dr George Bogen DDS Cert Endo
Dr George Bogen has published multiple articles and textbook chapters relating to the multifaceted use of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, particularly in the use of obturation techniques.
Ticket Prices:
$2650 Incl GST AUD ANZAE members
$2950 Incl GST AUD NON ANZAE members
$1900 Incl GST AUD Post Graduate rate (limited to first 5)
FREE Post Graduate Observer (limited to 5 spaces)
- Participants are limited to 18 participants per day. Preference will be to endodontists, endodontic residents and general dentists with advanced endodontic training which will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by course convenor Dr Mehdi Rahimi
CPD Hours:
Henry Schein Halas
Refund Policy:
1) Cancellations more than 30 days before course start date - full refund minus $200 administration fee
2) Cancellations between 15 to 29 days before course start date - 75% refund minus $200 administration fee
3) Cancellations between 7 to 14 days before course start date - 50% refund minus $200 administration fee
4) Cancellations between 0 to 6 days before course start date - no refund
Sunday Ticket - ANZAE member
For ANZAE Members Only. To attend Sunday 15th March 2020 session.
A$2,650.00Tax: GST includedSale endedSunday Ticket - Non-ANZAE
For General Dentists. To attend the Sunday 15th March 2020 session.
A$2,950.00Tax: GST includedSale endedSunday Post Graduate Ticket
Strictly limited to 5 tickets. Only for Post Graduates. To attend the Sunday 15th March 2020 session.
A$1,900.00Tax: GST includedSold OutSunday Post Grad Observer
This ticket is only for Endodontic Post Graduates. This ticket allows the ticket holder to attend the lectures and observe the hands on component but cannot partake in the hands on exercises. To attend the Sunday 15th March 2020 Session.
A$0.00Sale endedSaturday Ticket - ANZAE Member
Prices include GST. For ANZAE Members Only. To attend Saturday 14th March 2020 session.
A$2,650.00Tax: GST includedSale endedSaturday Ticket - Non-ANZAE
Prices include GST. For General Dentists. To attend the Saturday 14th March 2020 session.
A$2,950.00Tax: GST includedSale endedSaturday Post Graduate Ticket
Strictly limited to 5 tickets. Only for Post Graduates. Prices include GST. To attend the Saturday 14th March 2020 session.
A$1,900.00Tax: GST includedSale endedSaturday Post Grad Observer
This ticket is only for Endodontic Post Graduates. This ticket allows the ticket holder to attend the lectures and observe the hands on component but cannot partake in the hands on exercises. To attend the Saturday 14th March 2020 Session.
A$0.00Sale ended